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Celebrating Success and Looking Ahead to a Bright Future in 2024

Dear Quest Health Solutions Team,

As we bid farewell to 2023, I am thrilled to share with you the remarkable achievements
and milestones that have marked yet another incredible year for our organization. Your
hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence have propelled Quest Health
Solutions to new heights, and we couldn't be prouder of the collective effort that defines
our success.

Reflecting on 2023

As Quest Health Solutions closes out another amazing year, we want to take a moment
to reflect on some of the key highlights that contributed to our continued growth and
success. Our unwavering commitment to leveraging technology to optimize patient
services and support healthcare providers have been a driving force behind our

A heartfelt thank you to all our team leads and employees who played an integral role in
making 2023 a year of triumph. Your contributions have been instrumental in our pursuit
of excellence, and we are truly grateful for your dedication.

Introducing Quest Remote Care:

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Quest Remote Care, a groundbreaking
initiative that commenced onboarding patients in December. This innovative platform
embodies our commitment to providing exceptional healthcare solutions. To offer a
comprehensive understanding of its impact, let us delve into some details.

Quest Health Solutions has consistently been a leader in the CGM (Continuous Glucose
Monitoring) the market, ranking among the top 7 providers in the country. Our CEO, Adam
Nadler has leveraged our relationships in this space to create a platform—Quest
RPM—that enables us to manage patient care post-CGM device prescription.
Recognizing diabetes as a critical health issue in our country, we aim to address the
challenge of patients receiving inadequate care once prescribed the device.
Quest RPM will track patients and their glucose levels, allowing us to identify healthcare
concerns promptly and prevent potential hospitalizations. This initiative represents the
future of medicine in our country, and we are proud to be at the forefront of this
transformative journey.

Looking Ahead to 2024:

In the coming year, our focus remains on streamlining processes to ensure our patients'
devices and medical needs are the most efficient in the industry. The growth we've
achieved since the inception of Quest Health Solutions has been nothing short of
remarkable, and we are confident that 2024 will see us achieving new milestones to
maintain our leadership in this space.

Your dedication and hard work are essential to the success of Quest Health Solutions.
As we move forward, we eagerly anticipate your continued commitment to our shared
vision of improving healthcare for patients across the country.

Thank you for your outstanding contributions, and here's to a prosperous and fulfilling

Warm regards,
Philip Vasta